Vishamushti Vati is a type of Ayurvedic medicine that is mostly used for pain relief and reducing inflammation in the body. This medicine can be used to help with arthritis pain, sciatica, muscle and nerve pain, loss of appetite, stomach problems, trouble digesting food, low fever, stomach pain, facial paralysis, rheumatic pain, Parkinson’s disease, and nervous system disorders.
Vishamushti Vati is made from a plant called Vishamushti or Kuchla, also known as Strychnos nux-vomica. This herb helps your body digest food better, get rid of toxins, and make your nerves and muscles stronger and work together better. It is thought to help with Vata and pain because it is sharp.
Vishamushti Vati is usually taken by mouth, with water or as directed by an Ayurvedic practitioner. The amount and time that the medicine is taken can be different for each person. It all depends on how the person feels and what the doctor suggests.
It’s important to know that Vishamushti Vati has a strong herb called Strychnos nux-vomica. This herb should be used carefully and with the advice of an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner. Using too much of this medicine can cause bad effects.
Vishamushti Vati is a type of Ayurvedic medicine. It can help with pain, swelling, and digestion. It is used for different health problems
Anorexia & Dyspepsia: Vishamushti Vati helps with anorexia and dyspepsia, which are when you don’t feel hungry and have trouble digesting food.
Difficulty digesting: It helps with problems digesting food and makes it easier to digest and reduces related symptoms.
Mild Fever: Vishamushti Vati can be used to treat a mild fever.
Stomach Pain: It helps reduce stomach pain, makes you feel better, and keeps your digestive system healthy.
Facial Paralysis: Vishamushti Vati is used for facial paralysis, which causes the facial muscles to not move.
Rheumatic Pain: It can help reduce pain and swelling in joints, muscles, and tissues.
Parkinsonism: Vishamushti Vati is used for Parkinsonism, a brain disorder that affects how a person moves and coordinates their body.
Sciatica: It helps with the pain that comes from the sciatic nerve in the lower back, hips, and legs
Nervous System Problems: Vishamushti Vati is used for different nervous system disorders, but the search results do not give specific information.
Vishamushti Vati is made with a strong herb called Strychnos nux-vomica. It has some possible dangers and things to be careful about before using it. Here are the important reasons why some people should not use Vishamushti Vati and things to be careful about when using it:
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:
Do not take Vishamushti Vati if you are pregnant or breastfeeding because it can hurt the baby.
Children and Elderly
Children and elderly people should be very careful when using Vishamushti Vati. They should only use it under the close watch of an Ayurvedic doctor, because they may be more likely to have bad reactions to the ingredients.
Brain problems:
People with existing brain conditions like Parkinson’s disease or epilepsy should not use Vishamushti Vati because it could make their condition worse.
Heart and blood vessel problems:
People with heart problems like irregular heartbeats, high blood pressure, or heart failure should not take Vishamushti Vati because it could harm their heart health.
Digestive system problems:
People with serious stomach problems like ulcers, blockages, or bowel diseases should not use Vishamushti Vati because it could make their condition worse.
People who are allergic to any of the ingredients in Vishamushti Vati, like Strychnos nux-vomica, ginger, or black pepper, should not use this product.
Overdose and poison:
Vishamushti Vati has a strong herb called Strychnos nux-vomica. Taking too much or using it for a long time can cause serious problems like seizures, and trouble breathing, and might even cause death.