Maha Vishgarbha Taila is an Ayurvedic formulation made from several herbs. It is known for the regulation of heightened vata and associated disorders. This oil is quite effective in addressing neuro-muscular conditions. It is a medicinal herbal oil that is used for local application on painful joints, inflammation, muscular pain, and more. Maha Vishgarbha Tail is effective in all kinds of joint and muscular aches, hemicrania, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, etc., and other inflammations. It is strictly used to remove the discomfort of joints and muscles. It can overcome pain and stiffness in the morning immediately. It also fortifies the synovial membrane and cartilaginous tissues of the joint.
Maha Vishagarbha Tail is an herbal oil that is used to treat vata disorders. It is meant for topical application. It helps control neuro-muscular conditions in the body. This oil is very effective in alleviating limb and back pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties. When the sense of touch is hampered, the application of this oil helps and enhances sensations. For tenants, the oil alleviates muscle stiffness. This oil reduces the constant ringing or the noise associated with tinnitus. In cases of sciatica, massaging this oil helps in cases of numbness, tingling, and weakness in the leg.
Medicated herbal oil is applied locally to treat painful joints, muscle pain, inflammation, and similar complaints. This oil is equally beneficial for the treatment of all types of joint and muscle pains, hemicrania, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, and other inflammatory disorders. The uses of Maha Vishgarbha Tail are as follows:
– Vata roga
– Arthritis, gout, rheumatism
– Backache, sciatica, lumbago
– Inflamed joints
– Muscular pain
– Neuralgia
– Quadriplegia, lockjaw, unilateral emaciation
– Gridhrasi (sciatica), dandapatanaka (tetanus, Plenosthotonus)
– Sarvanga ghana (stiffness and tightness in all limbs)
– Karnanada (tinnitus)
– Sparsha shunyata (lack of tactile sensation)
Question 1. Which company is the leading Maha Vishgarbha Oil Manufacturer and Dealer in India?
Answer. Curoveda Herbals is the top Maha Vishgarbha Oil Manufacturer and Dealer in India.
Question 2. Is Maha Vishgarbha Tail known to cause any adverse reactions?
Answer. There is no known adverse reaction at all.
Question 3. What benefits does Maha Vishgarbha Tail offer?
Answer. Maha Vishgarbha Tail is an authentic Ayurvedic tail that is primarily prescribed for patients with arthritis and many other conditions relating to joints. It is massaged most frequently to the affected area to provide relief from redness, aches, and stinging. Further, this tail helps control the imbalanced Vata dosha in the body.